This site is operated by Kyushu Railway Company (3-25-21 Hakataekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, Japan; Travel Agent License Number Registered at Tourism Agency: 965) (hereinafter referred to as “Company”). Users entering personal information on our website are deemed to have agreed to our privacy policy. The Company shall treat all personal information entered in the application form as confidential, and shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that all information collected is managed securely.
Handling of Personal Information
The Company, etc. shall use the personal information presented in the application form submitted at application for the tour for the purpose of communication with the Traveler, and to the extent necessary for making arrangements for services to be provided by transportation and accommodation facilities to be used in the travel to which the Traveler has applied, and for ensuring the receipts of these services.
※ In addition, the personal information may be used by the Company and the outlet for (1) providing information on products, services and campaigns of the Company and other companies affiliated with the Company, (2) requesting Travelers to present opinions, etc. after travel, (3) requesting responses to the Company questionnaires, (4) providing special services, and (5) compilation of statistical data. - The Company will share with our Group companies the minimum data required for communication with the Traveler, including name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address, etc., among the Traveler’s personal data kept by the Company. Our Group companies may use the personal information for providing relevant business information of respective Group companies, their special events, and delivery of products purchased by the Traveler. For information on names of our Group companies, and names of persons in charge of handling personal information at these companies, please refer to the Web site of the Company (
- In order to facilitate the Traveler’s convenience in purchasing souvenirs at travel destinations, the Company may provide the personal information kept by us to these souvenir shops. In this case, the Company will provide the Traveler’s name and other personal data relating to flight numbers, etc., in advance, by means of electronic methods, etc. If you desire to stop the provision of your personal data to these service providers, please notify the contact personnel in charge of the tour application, as indicated in the brochure, at least ten (10) days prior to the departure. (If the tenth (10th) day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or any holiday, please provide the notice by the preceding day.)
Please see this page for the full privacy policy for the Company (in Japanese).