A Journey to
the Beauty of Kyushu
If every trip is special, how can we describe a journey on this train?
You can see the scenery passing by from the windows of the train. The greenery flutters in the mountains and you can smell the fragrant salty breeze from the sea. Abundant water flows through the earth and people live in gratitude of the natural blessings here. The train does not just run through this scenery. It stops occasionally to allow you to get off to experience and feel this nature.
We will give you the ultimate train journey, one which you have never experienced before, while you connect with the brilliance of each of the seven prefectures in Kyushu and the smiles and warmth of the people living here.
You are sure to discover a new way of living from the scenery and conversations with people you can only encounter here. A fresh and meaningful once-in-a-lifetime story unique to Kyushu awaits you each time you visit.
Seven Stars departs carrying your dreams.

About Seven Stars in Kyushu

Launched in October 2013 as Japan's first luxury sleeper train, Seven Stars in Kyushu celebrated its tenth year of operation in 2023. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the local people for their hospitality and cooperation in our daily operations over the years.

Just as we were welcoming many guests from overseas, with the goal of promoting Kyushu to the world, the whole world has been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no end to the problems we are facing, such as earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters, as well as environmental pollution.

We still believe in the energy that travel gives to a person’s life, the richness it brings as well as the bonds that are born between people. Today, we continue to consider how the Seven Stars can play a part.

The Seven Stars will create a new journey and give you a new travel experience as part of its second chapter from October 2022.

We want to share the history, traditions, and culture of Kyushu, which have been passed down for hundreds of years, and how the thoughts and stories of many people continue to be passed on to future generations.

We hope that we can create the next 100 years together with all of you, and hope that the Seven Star’s will continue to be a star of hope. We will aim to make not only travelers but also the local communities and all of us happy.

Now, please enjoy chapter 2 of this journey to discover the beauty of Kyushu and a new way of life.

Yoji Furumiya
Yoji Furumiya

